This is getting ridiculous and it’s only a matter of time before someone gets seriously injured or dies as a result of one of ...
Two divers made the paleontological discovery of a lifetime, revealing that Florida was home to tapirs, mammoths, and even horses in the last Ice Age.
(Bob Campbell|Odessa American) Midland oil and gas attorney Bill Kelton, whose family owns the surface rights to the Kelton Ranch that the sinkhole is on in a very remote area, said the well was ...
Well, scientists have discovered such a place within collapsed depressions along the lake floor in what are called submerged sinkholes in Lake Huron, one of the five Great Lakes located in North ...
Then you can go to your cookouts, parades, and fireworks knowing why it is such a great American holiday. Remember, every country has a 4th of July, but only in America is it Independence Day.