Scientists have uncovered evidence that modern humans emerged from two long-separated ancestral groups, not just one. This ...
Scientists have long debated how modern humans evolved. For decades, most researchers agreed that Homo sapiens came from one ...
Until now, at least 14 different species have been assigned to the genus Homo since it emerged in Ethiopia some 2.8 million ...
Cambridge University researchers have uncovered evidence that two distinct populations of ancient hominins, separated for ...
Koch Hall of Human Origins,” which opened 15 years ago. Smithsonian's Human Origins Program. What does it mean to be human ...
Archaeologists have discovered fossilized facial bones of an ancient human race which lived roughly 1.4 million years ago, ...
The Spanish team says the latest remains are more primitive than Homo antecessor but bear a resemblance to Homo erectus.
"Our history is far richer and more complex than we imagined," said human evolutionary geneticist Aylwyn Scally.
Scientists have unearthed in Spain fossilized facial bones roughly 1.1 million to 1.4 million years old that may represent a ...
Modern humans descended from not one, but at least two ancestral populations that drifted apart and later reconnected, long before modern humans spread across the globe.
The new discovery, published Wednesday in Nature, reveals that ancient humans “had rather more ... at the American Museum of Natural History, who was not involved in the research.