First word NOT that I already miss or wish for the return to our public life of the political style, bombast, irreverence and ...
Who was Gustavo Fring in Chile? The answer is a little more complicated than you may imagine, but there’s an interesting ...
11.Liam Neeson is an Oscar-nominated actor from Northern Ireland. He's well-known for his roles in films like Schindler's ...
During the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, Adamary Garcia is one of as many as 20,000 children that authorities estimate were forcibly taken from their parents by a military government that saw ...
Over 30 % of Chile's population still approves of General Augusto Pinochet staging a military coup d'état nearly half a century ago to topple Socialist President Salvador Allende, according to a ...
said from her home in the Chilean port city of San Antonio after finally reuniting with the daughter who was taken from her over 40 years ago during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.
As examples of those who successfully fought against “unhumans,” they cited Francisco Franco, Spain’s fascist tyrant, and Augusto Pinochet, Chile’s fascist despot. These two men each led a ...
By the time he died, he was known as Chile's most important intellectual, a friend of the democratically elected leader Salvador Allende and a vocal opponent of Pinochet. Neruda planned to go into ...
Chile's government launched a program on Wednesday that seeks to determine what happened to more than 1,000 people during Augusto Pinochet's military dictatorship 50 years ago. The number of rugby ...