With most survivors well into their 80s and 90s, some observers worry that Holocaust remembrance, even in Germany, is becoming empty and perfunctory. LOHHEIDE, Germany (JTA) — At the former ...
A Holocaust survivor has recalled how Bergen-Belsen was “even worse” than Auchwitz “because you were brought there just to sit and wait to die”. Renee Salt told Sky News’ Sunday Morning ...
Il y a 80 ans, en 1945, Anne Frank mourait à l'âge de 15 ans dans le camp de Bergen-Belsen, après avoir consigné son témoignage dans un journal plus que jamais nécessaire.
With the liberation of the Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp, safety did not come to its 60,000 prisoners right away. Starring Iain Glen, this award-winning movie recalls the actual events that ...
A D-Day veteran who helped liberate the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp has died aged 104. Donald 'Don' Sheppard, a dispatch rider for the Royal Engineers, landed on Juno beach on June 6 1944 in ...
Anne Frank est décédée il y a 80 ans dans le camp de concentration de Bergen Belsen. Elle avait seulement 15 ans - Elle a laissé un témoignage précieux pour les générations futures à travers son journ ...