Courtesy: Circus World Museum ... new social attitudes regarding animal sentience and intelligence—which animal trainers and protectionists alike readily recognized. Motion pictures and ...
An elephant tried to wake her partner of over 25 years after she died, with them having been together for over 25 years ...
THIS is the tragic moment a circus elephant tries to wake up her dead friend after she suddenly collapsed and died. Magda and ...
Today’s monkey performances resemble circus acts. Many animals are schooled using positive reinforcement and affection, but some are harshly disciplined and physically abused by their trainers ...
“The circus, of course, is very professional, and they had a professional trainer and he was real calm and the animal was calm and they were able to get her right back,” Melvin said.
“For years, circuses have harmed the welfare ... said the new law protects animals from enduring abusive training methods, prolonged confinement, and harmful environments.
Tato has been traveling in one circus or another her entire life ... routine better than Jenny Vidbel, the show's lead animal trainer. She's constantly changing the act to keep the animals from ...
Courtesy: Circus World Museum ... new social attitudes regarding animal sentience and intelligence—which animal trainers and protectionists alike readily recognized. Motion pictures and ...