Unfortunately, that's the yellow jacket, an aggressive social wasp that can sting multiple times. Yellow jacket is the common name of several species that typically build nests in cavities rather ...
Plus, properly treating nests might require climbing a ladder ... to a site like InsectIdentification.org. Here are some ...
In parts of the world where winters are milder, colonies can continue to grow. ‘I think the biggest common wasp nests are in Australia,’ says Gavin. ‘There can be as many as two million workers. When ...
We spent the following week exploring the nest and learning all about wasps. The children were eager and excited to see and ...
The mason wasp has built the nest in Ben Dolphin's accommodation at ... hoped to help change perceptions of them. He said: "Unlike common wasps or German wasps - the two black and yellow ones ...
The German wasp (Vespula germanica) and the common yellowjacket wasp (Vespula ... with black and bright yellow markings. They build nests in the ground, logs or building walls or attics.
It is common for a queen bee or ant to mate with ... an area where locals eat larva collected from wasp nests as a longtime practice. Saga obtained disease-causing fungi from dead wasps.