The population of Rapa Nui, also known as Easter Island, interbred with Native ... The civilization built there by the native ...
Easter Island was discovered in 1722 by Dutch explorers, and its native population has lived on the island for hundreds of years. The oral history of the native Rapa Nui people claims that at ...
or other high-ranking males who held important positions in the history of Easter Island, or Rapa Nui, the name given by the indigenous people to their island in the 1860s. Archaeologist Jo Anne ...
Today, those indigenous to the land call the island Rapa Nui, named for the Rapa Nui people. As of the latest census, taken in 2017, the population of Easter Island was 7,750. Most of its ...
A university spokesperson said the remains had not been used for research in several decades, before which it isn’t ...
Indiana University has completed its first international repatriation of human remains to the Rapa Nui people of Easter ...
The Polynesian islands that span the southern part of the Pacific Ocean—the eastern most of which is Rapa Nui, or Easter Island—were initially settled by a wave of migration from Asia. It’s been less ...
Rapa Nui, or Easter Island, is one of the most isolated places ... The eponymous island is named for the native people who lived there in isolation, dating to around 1280, until Dutch explorers ...
In the quarry at Rano Raraku, ancient matamu'a carved the stone monuments known as moai, which represent ancestors who have passed away. The Rapa Nui ...