"We want a state that has the most protective laws for air pollution." Residents file lawsuit against air quality commission: ...
The air that women breathe up to three months before they become pregnant can have an effect on the future baby’s size. A ...
USA! USA! We’re number one! We’re number one! No, not in freedom. Nope, not in democracy either. No, no, not in public ...
As government sensors fall short, people are buying their own to protect against particulate pollution linked to heart and ...
Epidemiological studies have linked dirty air to dementia and other brain disorders. Now researchers are trying to determine ...
Deaths from air pollution have fallen in the EU, but mortality rates were highest in Bulgaria, Poland, and Hungary.
As people return to the structures spared from Los Angeles wildfires, experts warn that they should be careful of the air ...
Air pollution is responsible for 102,456 deaths annually in Bangladesh, as per a new study by the Centre for Research on ...
A study led by researchers at Emory University's Rollins School of Public Health found that both maternal and paternal ...
Health and climate experts say wildfire smoke is setting California back in its efforts to reduce air pollution.
In a study of more than 5,000 mothers and their children, exposure to air pollution during the three months before pregnancy ...
Based on air quality data from 2021-23, Webb County, Hidalgo County, and Cameron County exceeded soot pollution standards.