Forbes Robertson's Hamlet was seen last night at the Knickerbocker, and was accepted, as it has been accepted by intelligent playgoers everywhere, as the one truly great Hamlet of the modern stage.
The girl-power premise behind Lauren Gunderson’s A Room in the Castle has good stuff, but is unevenly executed.
But the research made her realize: “I thought I was writing about Ophelia, but I ended up writing about Gertrude [Hamlet’s mother and Queen of Denmark].” Sabrina Lynne Sawyer, Oneika ...
Pictured above is Hamlet talking with Claudius and Gertrude during the opening scene. There's a stark contrast in the white costumes of the king and queen compared to Hamlet dressed in sombre black.
Already grieving for his father and sickened by the recent remarriage of his mother, Queen Gertrude (Nancy Carroll) to his uncle Claudius (Jared Harris), Hamlet learns that Claudius had in fact ...
The old king has been murdered by his own brother, Claudius, who has then seized the throne and married Hamlet’s mother Gertrude. Hamlet sets a trap for Claudius and once he knows that the new ...