A combination of oil, western intervention, the Cold War and military rule has transformed Iraq from a relatively minor player in the Arab world to a country of prime importance in world affairs.
Nearly 20 years since Iraq created a new Constitution assuring that people of all religions and ethnicities would be ...
A significant portion of human development and history may be traced back to the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia, in and around present-day Iraq. The study of these new tablets could reveal ...
But his victory was relatively short-lived in the history of Iraq as the Sumers revolted in 2125BC and reclaimed much of the country - which by now was known as Babylonia - as their own.
These anti-British forces formed a pro-German government, winning the support of the Iraqi Army and administration. They had hoped that an Axis victory in the war would facilitate independence for Ira ...
An EWTN News Special” delves into the roots of Christianity in Iraq and its history dating back nearly 2,000 years.