Alberta Premier Danielle Smith says plans for cleaning up abandoned or inactive oil wells are to be made public in two weeks.
The Kelton Ranch is a few miles outside McCamey in rural Upton County. McCamey is one of countless Texas towns formed in an ...
Aging and abandoned oil wells in West Texas are causing significant environmental damage, public health risks, and financial ...
The sinkhole, which is so wide and deep that it could comfortably contain a four-story building, is feared to still be ...
Another orphaned oil well in West Texas erupted with black, salty water this month as state regulators struggle to address problems associated with oil field pollutants. The latest known leak ...
A sinkhole around an old oil well is growing at an alarming rate on the Kelton Ranch in West Texas. Radford Grocery #17 was ...
The oil-filled hole around a plugged well on an Upton County ranch is one on a growing list of problems cropping up with old ...
The bill would have set deadlines for the oil and gas industry to plug inactive wells, which can pose a danger to the ...
The Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission assessed the fine on Friday against Brooks Range Petroleum for unplugged wells ...
Companies are legally required to plug spent wells and reclaim the land but ballooning underfunded cleanup liabilities have ...