We also play something from our archives: a 2010 interview with Argentine rock journalist Alfredo Rosso. And a feature on Argentine covers of famous English-language songs.
News: Argentina votes against UN Palestine resolution, Venezuela's Judiciary to request president Milei's international arrest, 16 Heads of State to attend Claudia Sheinbaum presidential inauguration ...
An interview with the hosts of the podcast "Soccer is Fútbol" and a piece on late president Domingo F. Sarmiento, the creator of Argentina's educational system, on the anniversary of his death which ...
News: Congress ratifies president Milei's veto to pensions hike bill, former Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori dies at 86 and inflation in Argentina was 4.2% in August.
President Milei will travel to New York on Saturday to address the United Nations Assembly for the first time. Reportedly, he will be accompanied by Minister of Economy Luis Caputo; Foreign Minister ...
- Javier Milei showcased the first draft budget of his administration before Congress and on national TV. - The national government officially declared civil and commercial aeronautics as an essential ...
El Riesgo País perforaba esta tarde los 1300 puntos y se ubicaba en 1295, su valor más bajo desde el 20 de mayo último, en ...
"Fue una semana mágica, porque el partido contra Colo Colo fue muy disputado. Además de que habían jugado el Superclásico ...
El actor, director, docente y creador de personajes Eduardo Calvo quien a partir del viernes con el estreno de la comedia La ...
Norberto Passera recibió en estudio a Los Pampas, trio conformado por Victor Torres (voz y guitarra), Guillermo Barnech (voz ...
Silvia Maruccio entrevistó a Gustavo Salce Rector del santuario de San Nicolás en ocasión del 41 aniversario de la aparición ...