In Orthodox Christian iconography, a peculiar icon of Saint Christopher can be seen, depicting him with a dog's head.
Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church in Macon unveils new iconography, enhancing worship with vibrant new iconography.
Leonard Cohen could evoke a spiritual response in an audience with his religious imagery and the heavenly backing singers in ...
Paying homage to ‘The Igbo Landing’, the mass suicide in 1803 by captive Igbo people who took control of the slave ship they ...
During a routine patrol, firefighters found a 4,000-year-old stone face carving in Kazakhstan, revealing fascinating insights ...
Happiness And Compassion To Counter Dukkha Feted as the happiest country in the world, Bhutan is also home to some of the ...
Unsaid, Unheard, Unfinished”, Ziyi Wang's latest exhibition in London features her new moving images series that bridge ...
The Renaissance, as a wall label in Reimagining the Renaissance reminds us, began in Italy six centuries ago but its ...
He did a crowd-work special that included sections called “Mexican,” “Colombian,” and “Black Women.” His newest special, ...