However, filmmaker Sriram Raghavan's directorial, Ek Hasina Thi, manages to do exactly that. Yes, despite that illogical conclusion. A cave on a hill in the capital. What gives, writers? But despite ...
Thukra Ke Mera Pyaar download on Disney+Hotstar: Can we officially declare Thukra Ke Mera Pyaar as one of the spiciest web series of 2024? While Panchayat 3, Mirzapur 3, Citadel:Honey Bunny ...
Mera Global LLC, a Mexico-based company, has been awarded the purchase of five TGI Fridays units at the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport and several in Maryland, a bankruptcy court in North ...
On Thursday, Armaan and Aashna shared the joyous news on social media, posting a series of pictures. The caption, written in Hindi, read, "Tu hi mera ghar (You are my home) (sic)". In the photos, the ...
Just before Christmas, Donald Trump announced that Sriram Krishnan, a first-generation Indian American, would serve as a senior White House policy advisor for AI. Krishnan is set to work closely ...