In the mid-1990s, a cartoon in the New Yorker depicted a woman in a bookshop asking, “What can you recommend that’s not by Michael Crichton?” ...
Some 17 years after the author’s death, the row over whether Crichton and his estate owns in perpetuity the genre of gritty medical drama is a reminder of his remarkable creative powers.
The series, which takes place in an understaffed Pittsburgh hospital, was created by R. Scott Gemmill, with John Wells and ...
Jurassic Park fans still have one big unanswered question that the franchise has never addressed. Directed by Steven Spielberg and based upon Michael Crichton’s 1990 best-selling novel, Jurassic Park ...
Steven Spielberg was very complimentary of this acclaimed science fiction writer, who had a huge impact on his work.
Understanding practical application while bringing a bit of magic is always the essence of balance in the theater. For new co ...
The name’s Connery… Sean Connery, an actor almost everyone is able to recognize if only for his role as the most famous spy ...