On Thursday, millions of families will sit down for a dinner that, in general, centers around turkey. And in a sizable portion of those homes, Butterball will be the turkey they devour.
Don't wait until the last minute. The number one question Butterball turkey gets each year: How do I thaw a turkey? There are a lot of variables to consider when thawing a turkey, from how much ...
Nine other companies, including Tyson and Butterball, also agreed to the settlement of the federal lawsuit, which totals $180 ...
Christy Puffenbarger of Aviagen Turkeys will serve as vice chairwoman and Leon Fletcher of Cargill will be ...
While the stores have been shorted on previous Butterball fresh turkey orders by up to 65 percent, Comer said, “we’re getting a shipment this week and we’ve been told we should get ...
WASHINGTON – At its recent annual convention, the National Turkey Federation (NTF) presented Walter “Gator” Pelletier with ...
The news started percolating last week in grocery retailer trade publications: Butterball, the nation's largest turkey producer, will only be able to deliver about half the large, fresh turkeys ...
WASHINGTON — During the National Turkey Federation’s (NTF) Annual Convention in Scottsdale, Ariz., the NTF board of directors elected Jay Jandrain, president and chief executive officer of Butterball ...
A federal judge said food suppliers, restaurants, caterers and others can band together in antitrust class actions accusing the nation’s largest turkey meat processors of artificially fixing ...