In the mid-1990s, a cartoon in the New Yorker depicted a woman in a bookshop asking, “What can you recommend that’s not by Michael Crichton?” ...
“Michael Crichton’s immense popularity sparked a wave of imitators, filling bookstore shelves with works attempting to replicate his style,’ says the author (and Crichton fan) Spencer Baum.
The series, which takes place in an understaffed Pittsburgh hospital, was created by R. Scott Gemmill, with John Wells and ...
Steven Spielberg was very complimentary of this acclaimed science fiction writer, who had a huge impact on his work.
Blasphemous language and swearing can be censored from audiobooks by a new service being offered to sensitive listeners. Tech ...
After unlocking the secrets of DNA, the Nobel prize-winning biochemist traded in his centrifuge for a life of wine, women, ...
WHEN he was Home Secretary, Michael Howard was known for his tough stance on crime, declaring memorably that 'prison works'.
But it was only two decades later, in a beautifully written memoir, The Road Taken, that broadcaster Michael Buerk, pictured, presenter of Radio 4's Moral Maze, exposed the truth about his own father, ...
The Jaguar XKR (X100) 1997-2005 - is perhaps the last undiscovered performance Jaguar and one of the last to still feel truly ...
The Pitt is a new medical drama from the team that made ER, and starring one of the leads of that show, Noah Wyle.
Stop caring. Empathy and compassion are draining for you mentally. Focus on that spreadsheet, PPT, charts and graphics on ...