Carriers, the long-forgotten horror film starring Chris Pine, is now available to stream on Netflix. The 2009 film follows four individuals – played by Pine, Lou Taylor Pucci, Piper Perabo and Emily ...
In the Heart of the Sea didn't make much of a splash in theaters, but the 2015 historical drama is blowing up on Netflix this ...
At the moment, the most popular movies on Netflix are led by the first two Despicable Me movies, which are No. 1 and 2, in reverse order. But there are also plenty of fresh altern ...
Following the bottom falling out on the Thor franchise with 2022's Thor: Love and Thunder, Marvel Studios is reportedly looking to take the character in a ...
And even if awarding another Mad Max-universe movie for its editing, costumes, makeup, and sound would feel old hat, there’s ...
A new year means fresh movies on Netflix, which always shakes up the top 10 as viewers rush to check out the latest releases.