Almadhoun on Celan’s 'black milk': drawing a line between the trauma of the Holocaust and the Palestinian struggle.
A notable poet in his own right, he was best known for rendering into English the words of a poet who reacted to the ...
We were studying Paul Celan’s famous Holocaust poem “Death Fugue,” which describes a Nazi concentration camp where the Jewish inhabitants are forced to make music for their guards.
He is completing a book project that explores tensions between Paul Celan’s poetry and agendas of his philosophical readers, especially Hans-Georg Gadamer, Theodor W. Adorno, and Jacques Derrida. Evan ...
The poetry in question here is Romanian-French poet Paul Celan’s works, perhaps the most difficult written in any language. On the other hand, there is the argument that translated poetry ...
Best known for his work on Pablo Neruda and Paul Celan, Felstiner both performs and theorizes the translations, engaging in simultaneous creation and interpretation. Comparing criticism and ...
Thomas Bernhard began his career in the early 1950s as a poet und seemed always on the verge of joining the ranks of Ingeborg Bachmann, Paul Celan and other young post-war poets writing in German.