The ITV drama, which is available to watch on ITVX, follows two couples who discover that their children were mistakenly ...
Playing Nice was the 'best-ever drama launch' for ITVX, despite some viewers taking to social media to complain about the ...
James Norton's baby-swap thriller has broken records by becoming ITVX's best-ever drama launch. Playing Nice 's success was ...
As fans were glued to their screens watching him in birth-swap thriller Playing Nice, the show's star James Norton was spotted out in London. Norton, 39, was seen wandering around London in a red ...
As fans were glued to their screens watching him in birth-swap thriller Playing Nice, the show's star James Norton was spotted out in London. Norton, 39, was seen wandering around London in a red ...
Viewers who tuned into the final episode of ITV's new thriller Playing Nice are all saying the same thing about its twist ending. The four-part series, which boasts a star-studded cast and is ...
Playing Nice star James Norton has explained one major change from J.P. Delaney's novel of the same name, upon which the ITV thriller is based. The four-parter, which concludes on Monday night ...
Playing Nice follows parents Pete and Maddie who discover their son is actually not their own, as he was swapped at birth with another boy whose parents want him back. (ITV) The TV series follows ...
Spoiler warning: This article continues details and plot information from Playing Nice episode four. Don’t read any further if you haven’t watched the episode yet. ITV’s Playing Nice comes ...