A handful of popular animated movie series have improved as they've continued, putting out entertaining and beloved third ...
Shrek the Musical will be at Number 8 from Friday 21 to Saturday, February 22. The show, presented by PODYS, follows Shrek's quest to save his swamp from invading fairy tale characters. Shrek strikes ...
Based on the hit DreamWorks animated film, SHREK THE MUSICAL is a hilarious ... wisecracking Donkey and the feisty Princess Fiona who resists her rescue. Throw in a short-tempered bad guy ...
Fiona Miller returns to Hope Valley in When Calls the Heart Season 12 Episode 5 with a suspicious heiress who admires Elizabeth.
It's no big surprise that Shrek is once more in the limelight. This hit film franchise that came out of nowhere in 2001 came to define a generation. Now, Shrek is set to once more hit the silver ...
The fifth and final season of Sintonia and Part 3 of the sixth season of Cobra Kai are just some of the Netflix releases in ...