In Steven Soderbergh's supernatural thriller Presence, a family finds they aren't alone in their new house. It's a ghost ...
Presence' writer David Koepp on the devastating reveal of who is the ghost in the house, working with Steven Soderbergh and ...
Even as we get to know this foursome, though, the movie's most interesting and enigmatic character is the silent specter behind the camera. You keep asking yourself, who is this ghost, and what ...
Stars Callina Liang, Eddy Maday, and West Mulholland speak with ScreenRant to discuss shooting Steven Soderbergh's new POV ...
Soderbergh carefully allows the camera-ghost to become a character at exactly the right times; otherwise, he lets the concept rest and relies on the movie’s fantastic script and family drama.
Other cast members include Chris Sullivan ... As such, it’s implied Tyler’s ghost went back in time to prevent her sister’s death. This idea opens up a whole bunch of paradoxical loop ...
“Presence” is not the first big-screen ghost story to subvert viewers’ expectations. The genre has, in fact, inspired more than a few unpredictable, jaw-droppingly inventive movies. Here are ...
They’re selling “Presence” as a horror movie when it’s something else entirely: a ghost story as told from the point of view ...
Steven Soderbergh has another new film out in cinemas – and as we've come to expect from the prolific director, Presence is a film that isn't afraid to play around with some interesting ...
Steven Soderbergh’s latest film, Presence, is a ghost story like no other, anchored by its shocking ending that finally puts ...