A comedy horror film titled Cyst premiered at the 2020 Festival of Frights. As of early 2020, he is also writing, directing, and staring in a cultist-themed horror film, and Tommy Wiseau will also ...
Did you know that Nicolas Cage has won both an Oscar for Best Actor and a Razzie for Worst Actor? Or that Tommy Wiseau's cult classic "The Room" has been screened in theaters worldwide for over a ...
Dear Paul Mescal, Please Just Admit You Want to Be in a Broadway Musical A detailed rundown of his passion for singing. bodies bodies bodies 5:07 p.m. Release the Shirtless Fiyero-Boq Cut! Trisha ...
Here's a look at some of the week's events, many will again have a holiday flavor. Tommy Wiseau Live. 7 p.m. Dec. 13-14 in the North Park Theatre, 1428 Hertel Ave. Looking for something that’s ...
With The Disaster Artist, James Franco transforms the tragicomic true-story of aspiring filmmaker and infamous Hollywood outsider Tommy Wiseau--an artist whose passion was as sincere as his ...
The true story of aspiring filmmaker and Hollywood outsider Tommy Wiseau, as he and his best friend defiantly pursue their dreams and embark on the wild odyssey of making the infamous cult-classic ...
Room Full of Spoons is an in depth documentary about the cult film that is widely accepted as the worst film ever made: The Room, and it’s eccentric creator Tommy Wiseau. Referred to as “The ...