TxDOT alerted drivers of the spill at 6:23 a.m. Friday and said all westbound traffic exit at Geronimo Drive. Clearing time ...
As of late, anyone wanting to come onto or off Galveston Island via Interstate 45 must feel like they are standing at a ...
The Texas Department of Transportation is offering a “driver education grant” to help high schools provide instructor-led ...
While people have been preparing their homes for the expected cold weather, TxDOT has been preparing roadways for drivers.
Jake Smith with TxDOT and Sergeant Bryan Washko with Texas DPS shared tips on how to prepare your vehicle for the cold, and how to drive on the roads as frigid temperatures come to Central Texas.
The Texas Department of Transportation's San Angelo District announced its new traffic safety art competition for elementary and middle school students.
Texas Department of Transportation - Wichita Falls maintenance crews spent last week pretreating main lanes, bridges and ...
The Texas Department of Transportation has been treating roads in The Big Country this week in preparation for the arctic blast.Crews in the 13-county district ...
The City of Nacogdoches is looking to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety across town, taking the first steps to apply for TxDOT grants to help fund the projects ...
Bryan district office has plans to change traffic at another location in Bryan. Next year, two lane traffic on Tabor Road in front of Arena Hall by the freeway [Read More...] ...
Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) crews will apply brine to major state roadway travel lanes, including Interstate ...