Afghan Sadigov was denied asylum in Georgia. He is accused of extortion in Azerbaijan. He was detained in Tbilisi on August 3 ...
“Armenia wants peace, France wants peace, and the international community wants peace. With Azerbaijan hosting COP-29 soon, it is its duty to demonstrate a sincere desire for peace before the ...
Following the sanctions announced by the US State Department against Georgian officials, Georgian prime minister Irakli Kobakhidze met with US Ambassador Robin Dunnigan, stating that the “US has come ...
On September 18, the National Bank of Georgia issued a statement regarding the sanctions imposed by the U.S. Department of the Treasury against four Georgian citizens. The statement clarified that, ...
The Georgian Parliament has passed a discriminatory and homophobic anti-LGBT law, with 84 MPs voting in favor. The ruling party, Georgian Dream, claims the law is meant to “protect family values,” but ...
The new school year began in Azerbaijan yesterday. According to the State Agency for Preschool and General Education, 132,261 children have been enrolled in the first grade for the 2024-2025 school ...
Since September 1, Russia has stopped supplementing Abkhaz public sector salaries and has imposed commercial rates for electricity (previously provided as humanitarian aid). Additionally, some Abkhaz ...
In Soviet times, Abkhazia was an autonomous republic within Georgia. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Abkhazia strove to become an independent country, while Tbilisi insisted that Abkhazia ...
В Южной Осетии с недоверием отнеслись к заявлению основателя правящей партии «Грузинская мечта» олигарха Бидзины Иванишвили о том, что ...