In this latest PRIME publication, Geoff Tily argues that parallels between events in Greece today and Germany in the 1920s go much further than commonly understood, and the policy implications are ...
Chronis and Droucopoulos contend that it would take an inordinate dose of audacity from someone to maintain that the adjustment programmes imposed on Greece and executed from 2010 onwards are not ...
On the eve of the Autumn Statement, PRIME is pleased to publish “Pain, No Gain: the Austerity Scam” by John Weeks (Emeritus Professor of Economics, SOAS, University of London) which explains just why ...
In this paper, Tily and Pettifor analyse two articles by Bank of England authors on Money in the Modern Economy and discuss the implications for economic theory and practical policies; and for the ...
Our new research report, published today, looks at the state of the UK’s labour market, based on the most recent data from the Office for National Statistics. It compares these recent data with those ...
Where the EU investment agenda comes from and how to boost it? Raising the banner of investment has been the most important development of 2014 for European policy. Clearly, Europe needs a better ...
Almost all necessities are high carbon, while most ‘luxuries’ emit lower than average GHGs. What are the policy implications? It will not be possible for the rich world to combat climate change, ...
This e-publication comprises a set of five lectures given by Karl Polanyi in 1940 at Bennington College, Vermont. The first three briefly prefigure the main themes of his major work, “The Great ...
Fiscal consolidation does not ‘slash’ the debt, but contributes to it. As the extent of economic recovery becomes increasingly uncertain Prof. Chick and Pettifor examine a century’s worth of ...
In this review, Pettifor and Tily argue that Piketty’s determinism (which suggests that inequality will continue to rise indefinitely and that interest and growth are on a preordained trajectory) ...
For a century and a half after its defeat in the Napoleonic Wars Spain lay in the shadow of Britain’s Empire and its industrial revolution. Like many other parts of the world, notably East Asia and ...
Taken from his lecture at the Capital Divided? Conference at City Perc in November 2014, Tily argues that Keynes’s goal was high employment founded on a high level of domestic activity. “Growth” was a ...