We are what we eat: a blend of tastes, recipes, cultures and habits. The kebab, a beloved, consumed, opposed, and now ...
Can European countries negotiate with the Taliban, override European law, or fire live ammunition at people crossing their ...
To everyone's surprise, the Ukrainian army marched into Russia. A bold move that boosted the morale of Ukrainians, exposed ...
Orthodox outrage, homophobic Turkish attacks and presidential hugs with Olympians: the 2024 Olympic Games have had a major ...
Italy has convinced the world that it is the king of liquid gold – hiding the fact that a significant proportion of "Made in ...
The future of the European economy will be characterised by labour shortages and an ageing population. More effective integration of migrants into the economies of host countries could be the answer.
Siamo quello che mangiamo, un mix di gusti, ricette, culture e abitudini. Il kebab, piatto amato, consumato (e osteggiato) – ...
¿Pueden los países europeos negociar con los talibanes, sustituir la legislación europea o disparar con balas reales a las ...
Denn du bist, was du isst, heißt es. Eine Mischung aus Geschmäckern, Kulturen und Gewohnheiten. Der Kebab symbolisiert nicht ...
À la surprise générale, l’armée ukrainienne a pénétré en territoire russe cet été. Une initiative audacieuse qui a renforcé ...
Gli opposti si attraggono? Il 16 settembre, il primo ministro britannico Keir Starmer ha incontrato Giorgia Meloni a Roma.