Eksperts uzsver, ka Skorpiona zīmes ietekme uz Veneru ir negatīva. Šī ietekme ievērojami vājina tās enerģiju, padarot planētu neaizsargātu. Šis periods būs pretrunīgs un nestabils, un tas ilgs līdz 7.
Regardless of the age or driving experience, more than half of Lithuania's drivers believe that education of driving culture would improve traffic safety more than stricter penalties for violations of ...
Estonian confectionery company AS Kalev increased sales by 4% to 9,033 tonnes and turnover by nearly 10% to 42.2 million euros in 2014, reports Äripäev Online, informs LETA. The company's profit grew ...
This is it, my friends! It happened! We finally found someone willing to take over and continue our business. In the year of our 25th anniversary, in June – precisely the month the first ever issue of ...
Today will be the last Irish low-fare airline Aer Lingus flight between Riga and Dublin this winter season. As reported, last week, Lithuanian airline flyLAL suspended its flights to and from airport ...
Euronews Business atklāj, kur Eiropā uzņēmējiem var būt vieglāk tikt galā ar uzņēmējdarbības uzsākšanas izaicinājumiem. Maza vai vidēja lieluma uzņēmuma dibināšanai Eiropā nav jābūt tik biedējošai, kā ...
Working conditions for police officers in Latvia are unsuitable, and these officers deserve much more, Interior Minister Rihards Kozlovskis (ZRP) said today during a meeting organized by the State ...
Asset evaluation of bank Ukio Bankas conducted by audit company KPMG Baltics will be delayed as the company asked to extend the deadline to submit the evaluation report. The consensus was reached ant ...
Pašreizējais priekšlikums 2024. gada budžetā pārspētu iepriekšējo aizsardzības izdevumu rekordu, kas bija 159 miljardi zlotu (37 miljardi eiro). Polijas 2025. gada budžetā tiks iekļauti rekordlieli ...
Lidmašīnu pasažieriem lidostās būtu jāierobežo divu dzērienu lietošana, sacīja Ryanair vadītājs Maikls O’Līrijs. O’Līrijs sacīja, ka stirpo dzērienu ierobežojumu ieviešana lidostās palīdzētu risināt ...
Ryanair, the world’s favourite airline, todayannounced that its in-flight magazine will be reduced from A4 to A5 with its new pocket-sized “Let’s Go with Ryanair” which will use 50% less (recycled) ...
OU St. Ola Maritime owned by Estonian businessman Vjatseslav Leedo has contested in court the impounding of the ferry St. Ola as security against the claim of around one million euros in port fees ...