We suggest that as the Earth changed physically and chemically over time, its surface conditions allowed for a greater diversity of habitats for life. And these changes operate on geologic timescales ...
Scientists have conducted a study to see the consensus of agreement amongst other scientists and astrobiologists and a ...
NASA has worked on its own first contact protocols, conducting a 2024 workshop event about how best to communicate the ...
Why haven’t we met biological aliens? If civilizations advance enough, they may ditch their biological limitations and become ...
Dark oxygen, a newly identified form of oxygen, raises questions about life in extreme environments and its implications for ...
A neutrino telescope, therefore, is a giant exercise in statistics. Observe lots of atoms for a long time and sooner or later ...
SETI scientists try to determine whether aliens at a similar technology level to humans could detect Earth and from how far ...
To solve that problem, a team of German researchers at the Technical University in Berlin figured that, instead of having a ...
If an alien civilization has technology similar to ours, could it detect life on Earth? Answering this will help our own ...
Space agencies and billionaires are still mostly focused on Mars. However, if life exists beyond the Earth but within the ...
The internet erupted in controversy over Felisa Wolfe-Simon and colleagues’ claim of a microbe thriving on arsenic. Nearly 15 ...
SETI Institute In the News The SETI Institute continues to push the boundaries of space exploration and the search for ...