The show featuring the Lone Ranger and his horse Silver premiered on WXYZ radio in Detroit for the first time on Jan. 30, 1933. Known for his strict moral code, his crime-fighting ways and eventually ...
The Lone Ranger failed miserably but Johnny Depp's eccentric costume was not the only reason, there's a lot more.
Westerns have always had an allure about them, and director Monte Hellman delivered some of the best examples decades ago.
It's been revealed that controversial actor Armie Hammer will make his acting return in Uwe Boll's upcoming film The Dark Knight. Actor Armie Hammer had a major acting career going until ...
Armie Hammer thinks audiences will be seeing more of him three years after sexual assault allegations and revelations of apparently cannibalistic fantasies derailed his acting career. The ...
Having been set to play Batman in George Miller’s abandoned Justice League Mortal, Armie Hammer is finally set to sink his teeth into the role of The Dark Knight, although its probably not the ...
Armie Hammer is starring in ‘The Dark Knight.’ He’ll play a man who becomes a social media vigilante. Uwe Boll’s in the director’s chair. Then came the seeming flame-out. In February ...
However, the movie is a loose adaption of the original Lone Ranger, and Johnny Depp plays a character who, as is revealed by the other Native Americans, has lost his mind from grief. "His mind is ...
If Tarantino likes a movie, he’ll give his honest opinion, and that was certainly the case when he expressed his thoughts on the 2013 flop The Lone Ranger. “The first forty-five minutes are excellent ...
Armie Hammer, who previously faced allegations of sexual misconduct and a fetish for cannibalism, is set to return to the big screen with a leading role in Uwe Boll’s upcoming thriller ...