Iridescent purple bow ties are the telltale signs of black-chinned hummingbirds. This species is a common backyard visitor in ...
These insects and arachnids might startle you or send shivers down your spine, but there's no need to worry about these ...
New research has found an insect species with markings that are so black that they’re ‘superblack’ or ‘ultrablack’, absorbing ...
Since 2018, we've seen 1ES 1927+654 generate jets in real time and found it may have a lone white dwarf orbiting near the ...
“The Newcastle funnel-web, Atrax christenseni— dubbed Big Boy—is a totally new species. The ‘true’ Sydney Funnel-web, Atrax ...
Stag beetles have their sumo matches. Female fireflies who murder their mates. These are some of our favorite mating behaviors among insects and arachnids.
These photos of 11 common bug bites and stings can help you identify what's responsible. Plus, symptoms and expert tips to ...
When Pagan and DePasquale first receive the images, they appear in black and white. The colors are added to the image later, ...
The jumbo isopod has been named Bathynomus vaderi because its carapaced cranium resembles Darth Vader’s iconic helmet from ...
Indiana DNR urgently warns residents to watch for these masses on their property. They are invasive insect eggs that must be ...