The most common initial symptom of a heart attack in women (and men) is substernal (underneath the breastplate) or left-sided chest pain that can travel (radiate) to the neck or jaw. In women ...
Breast or chest pain, especially pain on the left side, could be a sign that something is going on with your heart, Dr. Cutler says. If you're having severe or unrelenting chest pain, you should ...
Some other lung-related conditions known to cause chest discomfort include: Pneumonia: This infection inflames the air sacs in your lungs and can make your chest hurt when you breathe or cough.
But when you have pain under your left breast, it’s understandable to have questions. After all, your heart and a bunch of ...
'Chest pain that occurs while running may have a variety of causes,' says David Friedman, M.D., chief of heart failure ...
Chest pain (i.e. angina pectoris) is the predominant initial and subsequent presentation of CHD in women. Evaluation of chest pain and risk stratification to determine the need for further ...
As the population continues to age, with women outliving men, it is likely that patients without chest pain will make up an increasing proportion of those presenting with an ACS. Of the patients ...