Unlike many luxury bags, this one was not crafted with leather. This was made from bacteria. Modern Synthesis, the company that created this purse, says there is demand for the reinvention of ...
Tropicana customers are in revolt over an orange juice bottle redesign. Again. Tropicana recently ditched its distinct orange juice in clear, plastic circular-shaped bottles with a thinning neck and a ...
Peter Murray decided to put his lifelong study of plants and trees to use and let nature come up with a bag that is ...
Before collaborating with Sway, Prana had already eliminated plastic polybags in favor of recycled pulp-based paper bags. But ...
UK online retailer N Brown, which owns fashion brands JD Williams, Simply Be and Jacamo, is introducing dissolvable packaging ...
What's in the bags is a lot of lightweight recyclables like plastic films, straws, candy wrappers, foam takeout containers, ...
Tens of millions of tonnes of plastic enter the Earth's oceans every year. Fishing line, bottles, bags, wrappers. It all spreads through ocean currents to land far from where it was dropped.
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If you have a black spatula in your kitchen, or other black plastic items around your house like takeout containers or children’s toys, they could contain high levels of toxic flame retardants.
Microplastics are tiny plastic particles that range in size from one micrometer, or 1/100 of the width of a human hair, to five millimeters, which is about the size of a pencil eraser.
Rich Scherr is a seasoned journalist and editor who has traveled across the U.S., Canada, and Europe, and spent more than a decade reviewing hotel room.