Based on the manga by Mayu Murata with twenty-five volumes available in Japanese and a live-action film as of this writing, the story follows Uka Ishimori as she navigates high school. In middle ...
The Netflix K-drama A Killer Paradox delivers twist after twist and leans fully into the absurd concept of accidentally ...
Fans of Kang No-eul or Guard 11 in Squid Game 2 need to try out this thriller K-drama starring Park Gyu-young while waiting for season 3.
Not many K-dramas celebrated a good start in the New Year except Love Scout. Expectations are high for Park Bo Gum, Song ...
K-dramas focused on a lot of topics, such as mental health issues, highlighting emotional baggage and childhood traumas, and ...
Moon Ga Young and Choi Hyun Wook are all set to headline the upcoming drama My Dearest Nemesis, and a picture of the two ...
Demi Moore set the record straight about her name’s pronunciation in 2017, saying Duh-mee Moore worked better than Demi Lovato’s Deh-mee, a revelation that caught fans off guard.
Korean TV station Channel A announced on January 13 that its new live-action series The Witch will premiere on February 15.
French romantic comedy 'This Charming Girl' and French comedy 'Vanishing Goats' have joined the slate of Paris-based sales company MPM Premium.
Everyone loves a good story. Whether it’s the latest Hollywood blockbuster, a local news write-up, whatever fiction or nonfiction is at the top of the New York Times Best Seller ...
Song Joong Ki's K-drama supremacy is severely missed following consecutive box office failures of the movies Hopeless and ...