This process uncovered the DNA of two animals: orcas, also known as killer whales, and broadnose sevengill sharks. Orca DNA was linked to the largest bite wound, found in the center of the shark, ...
While February is Black History Month, you can celebrate and buy from Black-owned businesses today, tomorrow and always.
When I studied for school, I used to spend hours re-reading the given material. I thought that the more information I read, ...
A SCIENTIST made a bizarre discovery after breaking open a piece of chalk and finding 66 million-year-old fish vomit. The ...
South Africa's waters offer so much more that just some waves to splash in. Take a look at these exciting undersea adventure ...
Lions, the king's of the jungle, are exceptionally dangerous apex predators. The imposing beasts dominate rural Africa and ...
Apex predators maintain ecosystem health by regulating prey populations across diverse environments, showcasing nature's raw ...
AN INCREDIBLE nine million year old ancestor of the great white shark has been discovered in Peru. The 23ft long beast had ...