The original NBC series, which aired from 1974 through 1983, had over 200 episodes and has maintained its popularity on Peacock.
In an interview with PEOPLE, Lola Kirke discussed working with Greta Gerwig, living with Courtney Love and her memoir "Wild ...
The studio announced Monday that the animated musical movie Oh, the Places You’ll Go! is set for theatrical release in IMAX ...
From a high-tech espresso machine to a sleek charging stand (that you can use too), this roundup is filled with gifts that hit the sweet spot between thoughtful and innovative.
Margot Robbie starred in the critically divisive 'Babylon' as Nellie LaRoy, a budding actor who experiences the ups and downs ...
With more women performing stand-up and audiences embracing female-oriented films, China’s feminist movement is breaking into ...
As The H-1B Visa Debate Tears MAGA Apart, Indian-Americans Are Shaping America’s Future Referee threatened to award touchdown ...
The call to get more fiber into your diet used to provoke some eye-rolling. Fiber is not exactly the most glamorous nutrient.
Challengers got great reviews, made good money, and delivered Hollywood a rare adult-oriented hit. So why did the Academy ...
Rose Byrne plays a mother in the midst of a breakdown in the experiential psychological thriller “If I Had Legs I’d Kick You.
The Women and Gender Resource Center hosted “Growing Pains and Social Strains: A Deep Dive into Lady Bird” in the Student ...
Many great movies are leaving Netflix by the end of January, but ten stand above the rest. Here are the ones you shouldn't ...