Lobo, played by Jason Momoa, is an iconic DC character known for his violent, anti-hero persona and unique origin story. Created as a parody, Lobo evolved into a beloved rugged anti-hero with ...
In a brutally honest chat with GQ, the Aquaman star straight-up called the movie “a big pile of s**t.” Yikes. Jason Momoa, cast as the iconic vengeful Cimmerian warrior, had all the ...
As the wildfires continue to rage across Los Angeles, many celebrities are using their platforms to provide updates about their homes, neighborhoods and lives as well as resources. In Jason Momoa ...
Roman Reigns has declared for the Royal Rumble match, and he wants to face Cody Rhodes if he wins. On the WWE RAW on Netflix ...
Roman Reigns is set for a showdown with two of the biggest names in WWE history after Paul Heyman's announcement on WWE ...
Roman Reigns is set to compete in the WWE Men's Royal Rumble Match for the first time in five years. Roman Reigns wants his WWE Championship back / wwe.com Days after regaining his Ula Fala by ...
Solo Sikoa lost the Tribal Combat on WWE RAW’s Netflix premiere to Roman Reigns, following which he missed this week’s SmackDown. The self-proclaimed Tribal Chief was in hiding this week, and ...
The Ula Fala is once again in Roman Reigns' possession, as he defeated Solo Sikoa in a Tribal Combat Match. After his triumphant victory, WWE officially confirmed his new nickname. Reigns and ...
Acknowledge him. And, better still, acknowledge his sneaker game while you’re at it, because the Original/Only Tribal Chief made sure to commemorate a match he knew he’d be the victor of by ...
Roman Reigns finally overcame all odds when he defeated Solo Sikoa in Tribal Combat on Raw’s Netflix debut. Not only did The OTC reclaim the Ula Fala, but he also received the acknowledgment of ...