The Jurassic Park franchise is an action-adventure sci-fi series that began with Michael Crichton's original novel. The ...
The Jurassic Park franchise has an interesting relationship with real-life science, and the Jurassic World sequels have a completely different one. Both installments aim to present a spectacle that is ...
Jurassic Park, Westworld, ER... Crichton’s enormous legacy is still being fought over. But who was this eccentric ‘one-man ...
The tragedy of all the lives lost at Jurassic World could have been PREVENTED! That's right! If they had followed the real world rules of Zoos and Theme Parks, we could be going to see some IRL dinos ...
Colossal BioSciences has raised $200 million in a new round of funding to bring back extinct species like the woolly mammoth.
Come dressed as a dino and stay for two dinosaur movies. That was the pitch for Cox Science Center effort to set world record ...
Pattaya Dinosaur Kingdom is set to bring life-sized, animatronic dinosaurs to the city in celebration of National Children's ...
My team’s new study may help solve the evolutionary mystery, revealing how a vane on the tip of their tails may have helped ...
Steven Spielberg was very complimentary of this acclaimed science fiction writer, who had a huge impact on his work.
Rose Society to hold “Roses Around the World” presentation Del Mar Rose Society will host guest speaker John Bagnasco from ...
Downtown West Palm Beach was transformed into a prehistoric playpen Friday night, as a crowd of 468 people dressed as ...