The car-sized Curiosity rover has spotted evidence of once quite hospitable environs on Mars.
NASA has released the clearest view of Mars to date, with blue rocks observed across the planet's landscape. The images were captured by the Perseverance rover as it explores the planet.
Though it's a cold, dead planet, Mars still has its own natural beauty about it. This image shows us something we'll never see on Earth.
Next time you're driving around on Mars and need to get your tire replaced, chances are good it'll look something like a ...
Harvard scientists explain how Mars had warm spells billions of years ago, allowing rivers and lakes to exist.
Learn about the analysis conducted on wave ripples in the Gale crater region of Mars, where ice-free ponds and lakes stood ...
Exciting advances in space exploration are underway as NASA tests revolutionary shape memory alloy (SMA) spring tires ...
NASA's Curiosity Rover has been exploring Mars since 2012 and more recently has found evidence of ice-free ancient ponds and ...
Caltech scientists published a study using NASA Curiosity rover imagery showing the past existence of warm water on Mars.
NASA's Curiosity rover captured largest and highest resolution panorama of the surface of Mars landscape. The panorama contains over 1,000 images that consist of 1.8 billion pixels. It was taken ...
NASA’s Curiosity Rover has been exploring Mars since 2012 and, more recently has found evidence of ice-free ancient ponds and ...
Any vehicle traversing the rocky terrain on Mars needs a sturdy set of wheels. NASA’s Perseverance rover, for example, sports thick aluminum ones covered in cleats to enhance its traction and ...