Based on the manga by Mayu Murata with twenty-five volumes available in Japanese and a live-action film as of this writing, the story follows Uka Ishimori as she navigates high school. In middle ...
Find out the exact release date and time for the upcoming One Piece Chapter 1136 for your region, along with a countdown, ...
Despite Eiichiro Oda’s world-building genius, One Piece always seems to struggle to create memorable video games unlike other ...
Coop and Lucas browse the Shonen Jump app to sort out the good, the bad, and the Fujimoto-flavored. Disclaimer: The views and ...
Sakamoto Days' main Japanese voice actor reveals why he originally didn't want to play the role of the anime's titular hero.
With the invaders looking into Loki’s situation, fans cannot wait for the release of One Piece Chapter 1135 to find out what ...
Publishers like Shueisha have been exploring these legal processes for the last few years, and have made great strides in lessening the amount of materials have been releasing from the magazine early.
Some claim we are heading to the weakest Jump generation. Are there any titles that seem likely to be canceled soon?
Since codes are guaranteed to not be in Shonen Unleashed, there isn’t a concrete redemption process to follow. As such, the instructions below are just our best guess as to how it would work ...
With many Jump titles finishing serialization, many people ask which would be the "next big three". But does Jump actually ...