Barry Humphries has had the last laugh—naturally. The fine art fanciers who will be attending the posthumous auction of the entertainer’s collection, in hopes of a distinguished watercolour or ...
not something that's very common with other wedding vendors,” said Tran who runs her own business, KVT Fine Art. “It's really unique because it's definitely something a lot of people haven't ...
A painting bought at a garage sale in Minnesota is a previously unknown portrait by Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh, according to a newly published expert analysis. It was made by Van Gogh during ...
For the 25th Friends of Magnolia Mound Petite Antiques Forum, a folk art expert from Williamsburg will make her way to Baton Rouge. Laura Barry, the Juli Grainger Curator at Colonial ...
Experts were commissioned by art research firm LMI Group International to ascertain the authenticity of the artwork by analysing characteristics including the canvas weave and paint pigment.
Finnish National Gallery/ Alteneum Art Museum View from Pyynikki Ridge (1900) by Helmi Biese, depicts a bird's-eye view of the Finnish boreal forest (Credit: Finnish National Gallery/ Alteneum Art ...