Kick off your week by taking a moment for prayer, asking the Creator to fill your days from Monday to Sunday with blessings, ...
Memorial of Saint Scholastica (+547ca), sister of Saint Benedict. With her we remember all women hermits and nuns together with all the women who follow the Lord. And now once again a great crowd had ...
This past week my pastor announced that our church’s collective goal for the new year is for us to grow together in prayer as a church.
You are invited to pray every day during the next twelve weeks. You will know that you are making the Retreat generously if you give yourself to faithful, daily prayer. Keep in mind that we can never ...
Pray Everyday is an organization that helps any and every individual reach their highest potential through the Vedic science of Bhakti. Pray Everyday is an organization that helps any and every ...
R eligious fanatics will swear by the power of prayer and its ability to influence your everyday life directly. They say ...
Memorial of St. Seraphim of Sarov, a Russian monk and staretz (†1833). He communicated peace by witnessing the Easter joy and the action of the Holy Spirit The priests and prophets then said to the ...