Animated adventure. In an alternate world where dinosaurs never became extinct, an apatosaurus named Arlo makes an unlikely human friend. Show more Animated adventure set in an alternate world ...
A trading platform is offering an opportunity to buy shares in something altogether different: a dinosaur skeleton. Rally, a platform that specializes in fractional-ownership structures of ...
2024 was a busy year for dinosaur discoveries. New research from around the world revealed dozens of new-to-science identifications of prehistoric animals, including dinosaurs, prehistoric reptiles, ...
Triceratops prorsus munches on cycads and disturbs primitive cousins of placental (left) and marsupial (right) mammals in the underbrush. A softshell turtle climbs up on a log, unaware that its ...
An image shared to Reddit in October 2024 claimed to show the hoof of a dinosaur found "with fully intact skin." The post had been upvoted more than 49,000 times at the time of this writing.
when Bennet begins to transform into a dinosaur. The final few shots show Bennet in full Velociraptor mode... with a blonde wig for good measure. Believe it or not, this obviously fake trailer has ...
In March, a team announced the discovery of human petroglyphs found near dinosaur trackways in Brazil. Some of the artwork is abstract, though other petroglyphs seem to mimic the shape of the ...
Fossils from a trio of dinosaurs have sold for more than £12m at auction. The prehistoric skeletons, which date back approximately 150 million years, fetched £12.4m ($15.7m) at Christie's in London.
Speaking to CNA, he said there had been a notable increase in China’s focus on dinosaur research. The “renewed emphasis” could be for a number of reasons, he said, such as advanced ...