Christ’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 100 S. Third St., Lewisbug, recently received a grant from the First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania. The church was notified that it is the ...
"You couldn't assemble publicly because of the Jim Crow and Black Code laws. So, this actually became a place where people felt comfortable." ...
Pope Francis reached the two-week mark in his recovery from pneumonia Friday as doctors suggested he had overcome the most critical phase of the infection but held out on declaring him out of danger ...
Mobile Archbishop Thomas Rodi recalls the first time that a woman connected to the Dora Franklin Finley African-American ...
The pastor of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Church in Carnegie and a Pitt professor who is teaching at Kyiv School of Economics both called what they witnessed Friday shocking and stunning.
There has long been a Vatican taboo against openly talking about a conclave when a pope is sick: It’s considered gauche to speculate about the election of a new pope while the current one is fighting ...
First Lutheran Church at 1701 19th St. begins the season of Lent with Ash Wednesday services at noon and 7 p.m. Wednesday.
Whether it is performing on stage, drawing or hosting a Christian YouTube channel, Brady Lamp’s faith continues to guide him ...
Mary Ann Zumer Reese spoke about her brother, Richard John Zumer, during the annual New Cumberland Hall of Fame honors, held ...
Lent. It is the season in which Christians throughout the world take part in a variety of rituals and practices which lasts ...
The Fishersville United Methodist Church Food Pantry received a van last year to bring food to people who cannot make it a ...
Some church planters think the northwestern United States is fertile ground for reaching those people who are searching. And ...