Star Wars items will launch day one with Heresy on February 2nd. Destiny has had other collaborations in the past, including ...
Bungie has announced that it will add official Star Wars gear in Destiny 2: Heresy, the game's upcoming expansion. Destiny 2 ...
Bungie's Destiny 2 may be saved by its upcoming Star Wars collaboration as player counts start to rise once again.
Bungie revealed new Star Wars cosmetics coming to the Eververse in Destiny 2 alongside the new Episode Heresy.
Destiny 2 is soon releasing Episode Heresy, which will introduce some new weapons—one of which is likely to become meta.
Heresy is unleashing a Star Wars crossover event, as well as bringing back the iconic Dreadnaught of the Taken King.
Heresy's livestream this week unveiled the future with their newest episode, for the third act Star Wars skins and Oryx's ...
Heresy will introduce brand-new weapons, including the Barrow-Dyad exotic SMG. From the design to the perks, Bungie is ...