Intoxicating hemp, known as Delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol, is now regulated in New Jersey, and sales to minors are banned.
A majority of pediatric calls concerned minors who had inadvertently consumed too much caffeine via an energy drink.
Poison control centers around the U.S. received approximately 24% more calls concerning kids and their consumption of energy ...
A West Virginia University School of Pharmacy graduate is now in charge of one of the state’s most critical resources.
Plums, long lauded for their laxative properties, often play second fiddle to sexier summer fruits like cherries, berries, ...
America’s Poison Centers reports a 20% increase in calls to centers across the country about young people drinking energy ...
Florida Poison Control recommends checking the back of a canned drink for the caffeine content, limiting caffeine for ...
A shortage and user error are being blamed for a massive spike in calls to the Utah Poison Control Center over weight loss ...