CivRev - Strategy & Tips - CivFanatics Forums
Oct 11, 2016 · Discuss your Civilization Revolution strategy and tips with other players. CivRev Strategy Articles If you have written a strategy article for CivRev, you can post it here (either directly or use the forum's file attachment feature).
The Definitive Civ Revolutions Strategy Guide - How to beat Deity …
Oct 4, 2010 · It's my view that the most powerful civilization are: 1. Aztecs (for warrior out at 4000BC, unit heal and 50% gold). 2. Americans (great abilities, best special units, starting with explorer of humanitarian is a huge bonus).
The Civilization Revolution Strategy Archive - CivFanatics Forums
Nov 10, 2008 · The Civilization Revolution Strategy Archive If you want to find fast a strategy, press F3 and it should normally open a menu where you can write what you want to find. Write for example "Romans" and you will find that word in this page. Tips, how to start the game: Legions - …
Official CivRev Tech Tree and Reference PDF - CivFanatics Forums
Oct 25, 2000 · The Official Civilization Revolution Site has posted two handy reference PDF files for the game. The first is a tech tree containing all the arrows and what each tech allows and obsoletes, along with icons for each item. It's something I plan to do for the CivRev tech tree I made, but now obviously it's not necessary anymore.
Civilization 4 vs. Civilization Revolution - CivFanatics Forums
Sep 4, 2009 · Ok what is difference between Civilization 4 Beyond the Sword and Civilization Revolution (besides obvious stuff like Civilization Revolution is for the Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii), and if possible tell me which game you prefer more Civilization 4 Beyond the Sword or Civilization Revolution and tell...
Civilization Revolution Patch 1.30 Change List
Oct 25, 2000 · 2K Elizabeth posted on the 2K forums yesterday that the v1.30 patch for Civilization Revolution is currently being QAed by both Sony and Microsoft, and that a release date will be announced soon. She also posted the change list for the upcoming patch. Lots of the bug fixes and changes are...
CivRev - General Discussions - CivFanatics Forums
Nov 13, 2014 · Forum for general Civilization Revolution discussions. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register.
Civilization Revolution 2 delisted from the Google play store
Oct 22, 2008 · Firaxis has announced on Twitter that CivRev2 is not anymore listed in the Google play store. This means you cannot newly buy the game, but as long as it is installed you can still play it. Curiously this does not apply to the iOS app store, where it is still available.
Civ4 - Revolution Modpack - CivFanatics Forums
Jun 6, 2007 · (Public) Development forum for the Revolution Modpack. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register.
"Civilization Revolution 3 PC early access, 90% positive reviews"
"Civilization Revolution 3 PC early access, 90% positive reviews" Seriously, if they only would have called it that, nobody would be mad now. It would have sold fewer copies because players would check if it's something they're into, instead of automatically buying it, …