Hubbabubbasmelloscope – Mephisto Genetics
Hubbabubbasmellocope is a thin sativa plant that grows fast with great vigour, this fast growth means she can be delicate as her fine branches pack on yield and often needs support late in …
Granite Haze F6 (3-Pack) - Speedrun Seeds
Strain Lineage: Bear’s Breath x (Hubba Bubba Smelloscope x No-name Haze) Effect Profile: Sativa-Leaning Hybrid. Seed to Harvest time: 65-70 days. Average Yield: 6-16 oz. The long …
Hubbabubbasmelloscope (Mephisto Genetics) - SeedFinder
Hubbabubbasmelloscope is a very special part of our collection. Many years ago Bubblegum was the first Amsterdam cannabis we experienced, and so holds a sentimental reason to us. A …
Hubba Bubba SmellaScope - Autoflower Vault
HubbaBubbaSmellaScope is a beautiful thin-leafed Sativa. The flowers aren’t as dense as the more Indica heavy crosses but wow they are exotic. If you are into Mephisto gear but kinda …
Mephisto Genetics Hubbabubbasmelloscope Auto Feminized
Mephisto Genetics Hubbabubbasmelloscope Auto Feminized from Mephisto Genetics now at SeedSupreme. Buy this Indica / Sativa strain with Unknown THC levels and C.
Granite Haze F4 (3-Pack) - Speedrun Seeds
The lineage includes a very special strain called Bear's Breath, and a haze variety that we developed by crossing a rare expression of Hubba Bubba Smelloscope (Mephisto) with an …
Hubbabubbasmelloscope, grown in living soil : r/MephHeads
Jun 5, 2023 · My hubbabubbahaze smelled like bubblegum until I cured it, then it smelled like armpits and bubblegum.
HUBBABUBBASMELLOSCOPE – 3 Feminized Autoflower Seeds
Hubbabubbasmellascope has a pungent bubble gum aroma. Hubbabubbasmelloscope is a very special part of the Mephisto Genetics collection. Many years ago Bubblegum was the first …
Mephisto - Hubbabubbasmelloscope - 3 Pack (A) - Coastal Mary …
Oct 20, 2023 · Hubbabubbasmelloscope from Mephisto Genetics is a cross between Serious Seeds 90's Bubblegum cut x Breeding Auto WC1. Try saying that name 3 times stoned
Sale of Mephisto Genetics HubbaBubbaHaze auto-flowering seeds
Hubbabubba smelloscope F5 is a very special clone of Bubblegum by Serious Seeds, a variety from the 90s. Mephisto Genetics crossed it with White Widow Auto and stabilised it for 5 …