Pulling surflex - General Chat - Red Power Magazine Community
Jun 8, 2019 · That Mini would have been called a "tiller" here. As I understood it they tillers were one solid gang of disks for the full width. Diskers, like the one pictured in JimW's post have 4 or more individual shorter gangs of disks so they can flex over uneven ground.
Does anybody still build one-way discs? A lot of the - AgTalk
Then we got 3 16' IH 310 Disk'alls with p-30 Flexi-coil packers. Pulled them one year with a 2590 Case 2wd, then got a fourth one and split them into two 32' sets. Pulled those with a 2290 Case wd and a 2-135 White 2wd. Same seed/fert boxes as …
John Deere one way disc | Yesterday's Tractors Forums
Jan 3, 2011 · JD calls it a Surflex Tiller, IH calls them one-ways. This one has only 8 pans on one axle and sits at an angle. The casting numbers are in the 800"s. ex M880 AE.
anyone here used a surflex or 1 way - Red Power Magazine
Oct 19, 2005 · The diskers (like the IH diskall in the picture) had the disks mounted in short gangs, about four feet long and spring loaded to flex over rocks and uneven ground which made them a lot better for seeding than the old tillers.
John Deere Disk Plow (Pict's) | Yesterday's Tractors Forums
Jan 10, 2011 · This is a "surflex tiller" made by John Deere. IH made one like this, but called it a "one way". So if you are a true JD person, then it is a surflex tiller. You can check on the frame just above the rear wheel and notice that it can be adjusted as to …
Viewing a thread - help ID an old JD disc from pics - AgTalk
Jan 19, 2012 · Here they were called "tillers" and very popular in the late 40s and 50s. Most had an available seeding attachment and would do a fair job of planting a crop. And no, surflex referred to the newer "diskers" that had flexible gangs and spring suspension.
one way disc or disc plow?? - Yesterday's Tractors
Your picture looks more like what we in North Dakota called a surflex tiller (to borrow JD's term) and 20 feet was the max size available. A true one-way that we ND folks used was usually about 8 to 10 feet maximum and would be a much heavier pulling unit than the "surflex" type.
IHC one-way disc - Yesterday's Tractors
Based on the info from Weldon, those larger units are comparable to the John Deere units known as Surflex Tillers which didn"t cut nearly as deep as a true one-way. Lots of people get those two different implements mixed up.
Discers | Yesterday's Tractors Forums
Jan 1, 2020 · IMHO the only difference with the implement called disker & disk tiller is the location of the implement. JD disk tillers & Surflex's had the option of seed boxes similar to disker's
Is this a disc or a plow? | Page 2 - TractorByNet
Jul 19, 2003 · They ranged in size from about six foot to twelve foot for the normal approximately 50 horsepower tractor of the day. They pulled easier than a plow so one could cover more ground. Tilling under Stubble was their main job. Click to expand... Man, that is a big machine. I am learing a lot about Tillers. Keep it coming.