40K-ing up the Kardashev Scale (analysis) : r/Warhammer40k
May 29, 2019 · How to ascend Kardashev scale Conquest: Forcibly claim space and resources, minimizing damage so such remains available to use. Canonically Old Ones, Necrontyr, Eldar, and humans formed Type 2 civilizations at different times, all which collapsed abruptly and violently; Old Ones and Necrontyr to military losses, Eldar to ecological crisis ...
Kardashev Scale ratings of 40k races : r/40kLore - Reddit
Jun 10, 2020 · With 9th ed. arriving shortly I thought it would be interesting to see where the different factions rate on the Kardashev scale: In short: The Kardashev scale rates advancement of civilisations according to their ability to harness energy: A Type I civilization, also called can use and store all of the energy available on its or a planet.
Does anyone else not like the Kardashev scale? : r/scifiwriting
The Kardashev Scale isn't really a measure of advancement, it's a measure of how much energy your society uses. It's entirely possible the Wraith were higher on the Kardashev Scale than the Atlanteans. We never saw them fully mobilized for war in the time period of the show, they were much weaker by the time humans showed up and reactivated ...
Kardashev Scale: Size vs Energy Output - Physics Forums
Jan 4, 2007 · The Kardashev Scale is a scale (duh) that judges civilizations based on their energy output. There are Three Types: Type I: 1.74×1017 W Type II: 3.86×1026 W Type III: 10^36 W Now, its is said that civilizations will grow like this: Type I: Uses the energy output of One Planet...
Explanations about Kardashev type 1 civilizations - Physics Forums
Nov 11, 2024 · In Kardashev type I civilization, per Wiki entry Kardashev scale "A Type I civilization is able to access all the energy available on its planet and store it for consumption. Hypothetically, it should also be able to control natural events such …
The Ancients on the Kardashev Scale : r/Stargate - Reddit
But the Kardashev scale is logarithmic. a tenfold increase in power consumption increases your Kardashev rating by 0.1. Merely increasing the volume of power generation based on existing technology is not an efficient way to boost your rating.
[Star Wars] What type of "civilization" is the Star Wars ... - Reddit
Kardashev scale. The Kardashev scale is a method of measuring a civilization's level of technological advancement, based on the amount of energy a civilization is able to use for communication, proposed by Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev. The scale has three designated categories:
Kardashev Scale and more : r/scifi - Reddit
Apr 8, 2021 · Kardashev scale feels like Asimov's idea of The last question's Multivac, with each iteration bigger computers till filling entire planets or even bigger things outside of space. Reality showed us that the trend wasn't going so much in computers size, or at …
Where do Forerunners fit on the Kardashev scale? : r/HaloStory
Oct 9, 2020 · No. Kardashev Scale is an IRL scale based on the Consumption of Energy of a civilization, out of all the available energy to them. Type 2 can harness 100% of the Sun IIRC, for example. The Tech Tiers are based on WHAT the civs can do: Neural Physics are the barebones requirement for Tier 0, AFAIK.
Do you feel that the Kardishev scale is relatively useless?
May 11, 2022 · A Kardashev -0.48 civilization can harness about 17 watts of energy, about the power of one manual laborer. Kardashev 0 harnesses 1e6 watts (1 megawatt), about 60,000 manual laborers. In 1973 Carl Sagan estimated that humanity was about Kardashev 0.7, 1e13 watts (10 terawatts).